The skinny is a military term define in 1959 meaning ‘inside information’ – or, the real deal. The medical community tells us that maximum fasting triglycerides should not exceed 149 mg/dL. More recent studies indicate that the maximum fasting triglyceride level should not exceed 100 mg/dL. A triglyceride is formed from glycerol and three fatty acid groups. A triglyceride is different than cholesterol. Elevated triglyceride levels raise your risk of stroke.
The medical community seems to believe that fat in the bloodstream is the result of eating too many saturated fats. You might be told by your physician to start a low-fat diet and to eat complex carbohydrates and foods rich in fiber. A diet prescribed by your physician might lower LDL cholesterol, but it will raise triglycerides. Triglycerides are the product of excess glucose – caused by too many carbohydrates.
I’m sure you are beginning to see there is a complex relationship between carbohydrates, glucose, insulin, cholesterol and triglycerides. Balancing the equation doesn’t happen in a single step – just as your system didn’t go out of kilter by eating an extra piece of pie. Reduction of carbohydrates with the total elimination of wheat and gluten-free options is a great start. Most gluten-free options have corresponding high glycemic products – rice flour, tapioca, potato flour, etc. It is nearly the same as eating wheat products. Gluten-free products made from nut flours do not have the same glycemic response in the body. The glycemic response is how your body responds to a specific level of carbohydrates. Wheat has a higher glycemic score than the same amount of sugar.
Balanced nutrition, combined with reduced calories, can address the combination of factors that float around in your bloodstream. Exercise should be considered essential in any cardiovascular risk reduction. You must consult a physician to determine the best course of action. Nutrient options include:
● Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (Maitake mushroom, Salacia oblonga)
● Alpha-amylase inhibitors (white kidney bean extract)
● Soluble fiber
● Fish oil
● Niacin
● Green tea