There are simple exercises that you can do to optimize your breathing through each of your nostrils. Perform an alternate nostril breathing exercise to reestablish a normal rhythm.
Place your finger or thumb over your right nostril and breathe in slowly through your left nostril for a count of four seconds
Before exhaling, close your left nostril with your thumb or finger and remove your finger or thumb from your right nostril
Exhale slowly for eight seconds through your right nostril
Inhale for four seconds through your right nostril with your left nostril still blocked
Block your right nostril, unblock your left nostril, and exhale for a count of eight seconds
Repeat this cycle for three iterations. This is considered by some to be the best breathing exercise to calm your mind. This exercise is best done on an empty stomach.
Before you start this exercise, you should be aware of some constraints.
Don’t over-exercise.
Start with two or three exercise rounds a day and add one exercise round until you get to seven rounds in one day.
Don’t do this exercise if you have a cold.
Don’t do this exercise if your nasal passages are clogged.
Don’t force alternate nostril breathing – it could lead to problems.
Never force anything in any breathing exercise. If you have high blood pressure, don’t hold your breath for long periods of time (try three or four seconds instead of eight seconds).
These exercises should be done silently – you should barely hear yourself breathe.
You can use your left nostril only breathing for a calming effect. Likewise, you can use your right nostril just for instant energy. Dedicated short-term single nostril breathing can be used when needed for a specific objective (relaxing, driving, etc.)
If you periodically practice alternate nostril breathing exercises, you can expect many health benefits
Revitalizing energy
Improving clarity in your brain function (try this before an exam or interview)
Cleansing and purifying your lungs (70% of your body waste is eliminated from your lungs)
Calming your entire body (regulating your breathing controls your mind, which controls your body functions)
Merging your thinking brain with your feeling brain (allows you access to your total brain function)
Stabilizing your long-term thinking capacity
Controlling your emotions
Improving and relaxing your sleep patterns (and may reduce or eliminate insomnia – and there are some specific breathing exercise to eliminate insomnia if alternate breathing does not work for you – check Google)
Meditating more quickly and deeply, (if you are inclined to periodic meditation)
Stabilizing your body temperature (one nostril heats your up, and the other cools you down), and
Preventing and eliminating sluggishness
As pink as that baby is, I can tell he’s breathing quite well!!! As a nurse who used to work in Labor and Delivery…I love all babies that come out pink and screaming. It’s the quiet blue ones that made me panic!
I’ve tried this breathing technique before and it really does make a difference in mental clarity. Even with a nasal septum deviation(crooked nose), my bad side opens up and I’m able to enjoy the clearness for a while! So, as a nurse and from personal experience, this is a great technique! ~ Johanna