Personal healthcare is not rocket science. Healthcare in this definition is the lifestyle choices you make daily to ensure good health. It is not the government definition of having health insurance.
As with many specialties, health is not taught in schools. There are experts with various certifications and education. They provide us awareness based on their training. I am not a physician, nor do I practice in the health care industry. I am not certified in nutrition or other related health and wellness area.
I research what happens in the human body at the cellular level (biochemically) looking for cause and effect relationships. If you treat a symptom, you will always treat a symptom. Doctors treat symptoms. You must treat the cause of a problem to fix it. Doctors don’t treat causes.
How do you find the cause of a problem? Good question! It’s not easy. If it were, there would not be any problems with diabetes, cardiac-related issues and the like. Inflammation at the cellular level is where almost all disease starts. Control inflammation and you have an advantage. Stress is the genesis of nearly every doctor’s visit. Control stress and you have a greater advantage.
How do you control inflammation? Free radicals are the typical cause of chronic low-level cellular inflammation. Antioxidants control free radicals. Free radicals come in many shapes and sizes. One antioxidant doesn’t counter all free radicals. You must have a lot of different kinds of antioxidants to cover all the opposing free radicals.
Daily balanced nutrition is the easiest way to obtain most antioxidants. Vitamin K2 and vitamin E (all eight tocopherols and tocotrienols) are difficult to find in our daily diet. Sometimes you must supplement.
Stress relief is as simple as a smile. There are many methods and techniques to counter stress. Many times, we don’t even realize that we are stressed. Stress builds up and then it becomes a problem. Google is your friend for self-education in stress management. Each of us has things we prefer to do. Some like exercise, others like meditation. Do something several times a day to counter the accumulation of stress.
Addressing stress often and eating meals that are nutritionally balanced do not require a degree in rocket science. I choose the Wahls Protocol as a guide for my daily nutrition. A typical meal includes a cup of leafy green vegetables, colored fruits and vegetables, sulfur-laden vegetables and protein/fat. I buy as organic as I can. What is missing from this food selection – grains and dairy.