Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an essential fatty acid. Our bodies produce these essential fatty acids from the foods we eat. As we age, our bodily processes slow down – they lose efficiency. PS levels begin to decline as we reach middle age. This is exacerbated by lowering levels of other essential fatty acids, folic acid and vitamin B12. PS is required for successful neurotransmission.
PS deficiency has been noted to various types of mental impairment – Alzheimer’s, dementia, depression and Parkinson’s disease. The deficiency of PS in patients with mental impairment led some investigators to believe that PS supplementation could reverse memory loss if PS levels were brought up to normal levels.
It has been observed that PS supplementation has raised levels of PS in our brains and has boosted nerve chemical activity, stimulated nerve cell growth and lowered levels of stress hormones. In many cases, PS appears to reverse age-related memory loss in clinical studies.
I have looked at several studies with successful outcomes when patients were treated with 100 to 400 milligrams of PS a day for an average of three months. The patients were typically elderly with various degrees of age-related memory loss. I have personally seen success with a family member.
Is a deficiency in PS the only cause for age-related memory loss? No. A number of studies have shown that hypertension, diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, heavy mental poisoning, menopause, multiple medications, depression, lack of mental activity, stress and atherosclerosis have an effect of cognitive impairment. In fact, one study done by Larrabee & Crook in 1994 estimated that more than half of people over age 60 have some age-related memory impairment.
Age-related memory impairment can be as slight as a perception of memory loss. You say to yourself, “Where did I put my car keys?” Many times, this slight level of perceived memory impairment can be overcome by looking at the location of where you placed your keys, glasses, or other item that you use frequently and say to your brain, “I left my keys on the counter next the phone.” This reinforces your brain to remember where you left something.
What simple things can help prevent memory loss? Treat hypertension if you have it. Take more vitamin B12 if you are deficient. B12 in a cobalamin. Methyl cobalamin is absorbable under the tongue and bypasses the stomach. Cobalamin cannot survive the digestive acid in your stomach. Make sure you take the right form of B12.
Take a test of heavy metal poisoning, and, if poisoned, take an appropriate remedy. You can also have your doctor review your medications to see if there might be overlapping side effects might also include memory loss. A change in prescriptions might be advised – talk to you doctor.
The FDA has had reports cognitive difficulty from patients taking statin drugs for cholesterol control. Half of the memory loss problems occurred within the first two months of starting a statin protocol. Some memory loss problems were identified within five days. Recovery from memory loss was noticed in those most of those patients who discontinued their statin drug programs.
Depression can be treated in a number of ways. I have seen interesting positive results with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Lack of mental activity is easy – do more crossword puzzles, Sudoku and the like. Read more, talk more to people you don’t associate with much – the conversations will be different and simulating.
Overcoming stress is similar to depression relief. There are many solutions. EFT has amazing results with stress relief. Atherosclerosis can be evaluated by your doctor and treatment can be forthcoming if that is your problem. Thirty to forty minutes of moderate walking a day can ‘force’ more blood into your brain and begin knocking down some of the cobwebs that might have grown there because of inactivity. All these options are open to you, plus PS supplementation.
PS supplementation has been shown to be more effective with early on-set Alzheimer’s. There are few side effects from PS supplementation – nothing greater than an upset stomach. Generally, the longer you had impaired memory problems, the longer it takes to return to normal. There has been a noticeable change in memory loss in most patients, even if they don’t return to the full memory level. There seems to be a gradual build-up of PS to required levels in your brain. The longer it is taken the better the results.
Professor Parris Kidd from the Memory Loss Institute has reviewed over 3000 peer-reviewed research papers on PS and found remarkable benefits. PS supplementation has been established as very safe to take. Professor Kidd believes that PS supplementation (phosphatidyl serine and phosphatidyl choline) is the single best means for conserving memory and other high brain functions as we age. Retaining good brain function in later years can be as simple as using your brain more.
This is a partial list of actions that might be considered.
I love supplementing with PS. It helps me get to sleep easier at night too, due to its cortisol lowering effects.
Phosphatidylserine has helped my sleep improve massively, such a great supplement.
I never heard or read about PS and improving sleep. I’ll have to check that out specifically. Thanks!