Cut Out Carbs and Get Rid of Type 2 Diabetes?

Foods rich in carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance over time leads to an increased risk of diabetes. High carbohydrate intake leads to insulin resistance. Is there a connection that indicates removing carbs from your diet might allow full recovery for a person with diabetes?

A recent study from the medical trade journal, The BMJ, is published by the British Medical Association. The results look promising.

Low Carb Diet Study High rates of remission from type 2 diabetes are seen by some people eating a low-carb diet for six months. With promising results, scientists want to know more about the long-term effects of weight loss from this lifestyle change. Two questions of importance address the stability of blood sugar levels and the person’s overall quality of life.

We know that people with diabetes must carefully monitor their blood sugar levels. Excess carbohydrates cause a spike in blood sugar, which requires the diabetic person to use higher doses of insulin. The results of 23 studies involving over 1,300 patients with type 2 diabetes were reviewed.

A low carb diet equaling around 25% of total calories from carbohydrates and a very low carb diet with 10% of total calories coming from carbohydrates were tracked and evaluated at six-month and one-year intervals.

Results Blood sugar, weight, quality of life, and any adverse health issues were noted throughout the study. Nearly one-third of the patients dedicated to eating low carb foods were successful in type 2 diabetes remission.

The successful participants showed weight loss, lower body fat, and reduced insulin usage. Our bodies produce insulin in relation to the blood sugar levels after eating. Lowering carbohydrates reduces the body’s requirement to make insulin.

Every person with diabetes is different. What works for one person with type 2 diabetes will not have the same results on others. It is mandatory to work with a physician and registered dietician experienced with low-carb regimens to treat type 2 diabetes. The health risk is extremely high for a person to begin a protocol like this on his or her own. Symptoms and medications must be carefully monitored.

Further Confirmation A little less than 500 patients with type 2 diabetes followed a low carb diet for almost two years. Additionally, a little over 70 pre-diabetic patients were tracked during this study.

Consultations with the patients targeted education of blood sugar and insulin response. Routine medical testing proceeded at regular intervals during this program. Nearly one-half of the patients achieved drug-free type 2 diabetes remission in two years. Almost 95% of the pre-diabetic participants attained normal HbA1c test results.


I listened to a medical doctor talk about how pregnant women were treated with chromium to reduce or eliminate gestational diabetes. It was a common treatment before WWII. is a link to a recent study using chromium to treat gestational diabetes.

Scientists believe that the fetus absorbs chromium from the mother, leaving her deficient in chromium, which increases insulin resistance, resulting in gestational diabetes.
I mentioned this to a good friend of mine. He did his research and talked to his doctor, and took chromium and vitamin D3 supplements. His insulin usage was cut in half in less than two weeks.

This is testimonial information and should not be acted on without professional medical advice.
I was on the Atkins Diet for around six years. I could easily live on 10 grams of carbs daily without any effort. Other than not having endurance when I ran, I noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I could run five or six miles in an hour routinely before Atkins and could barely manage two miles before I was out of gas.

The big ‘however’ is a potential increased risk in acidosis due to not selecting the right balance of nutrients. Long term acidosis could lead to bone density issues and possibly other health problems. Again, talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes, especially if you are diabetic.

Live Longer & Enjoy Life! – Red O’Laughlin –



3 thoughts on “Cut Out Carbs and Get Rid of Type 2 Diabetes?”

  1. Very interesting! What I don’t know about nutrition bothers me more and more over the years… Your point about running got me thinking about my Polar watch. I don’t know how it does it, but it normally tells me that my standard 5km, 30 mins run uses around 92% carbs, 2% protein and 5% fat. So having carbs in the fuel tank would appear useful.

    1. Great question, Keith! Thanks! Glycogen in the muscles is used for energy. When they deplete, then a shift occurs from a carbohydrate energy source to a fat source. The first 30 minutes burns your carbs. Run another 30 minutes and you will or should see a shift in carb-burning to fat-burning. It takes a long time to develop endurance from starting with little or no glycogen in the muscles and using fat as an energy source from the start. I never achieved anything I was happy with; however, I have several friends living on keto-diets who have success with long-duration training. Maybe I should have pushed through, but the joy of running was not there. It is one of the reasons I shifted from long distances to sprints for my cardio exercise. RED

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