On the Camino de Santiago there are yellow arrows/markers pointing out the correct path to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. It is relatively easy to stay on course. However, there are locations that the signs are easily overlooked; or, in some cases, not exactly where you would expect to find them. We missed a few in the very early morning hours – most likely because of the darkness. Flashlights lit only what you were looking at, not our entire surrounding.
For something as definitive as the Camino, these markers keep us on target – keep us focused on our destination. We know we are on the right path. We don’t have to worry about other things leading us astray. I was thinking one morning about these yellow arrows/markers. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had yellow arrows or markers for other important destinations in our lives – relationships, health, wealth, career, etc.?
In many cases, the paths to our success are defined, but we don’t recognize them. We haven’t been trained sufficiently to look in the right places. I advocate good health by starting with balanced nutrition. If your body is maintained in a balanced state with regard to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, etc., then the ability to maintain good health improves immensely. Many diseases are created by deficiencies in our daily nutrients.
Where do we find nutritional information? For packaged/processed foods it is on the labels on each container. Many people know they are there but never read them. And, they provide only partial information. If you are buying fresh fruit, vegetables or meats, there are no nutritional labels. You must know the right combination of foods to provide you with balanced nutrition; and, hopefully, with the least caloric intake. You have options of organic, grass-fed, no antibiotics, no hormones, no other toxic chemicals added to the foods as they are harvested and delivered to your grocery stores.
Last night was our trash/garbage night. My semi-weekly garbage typically consists of one 13-gallon bag half-full of refuse. I don’t buy foods in containers, generally speaking. Therefore, my volume of garbage from foodstuffs is quite small compared to my neighbors. I see many trash cans overflowing their lids as I drive through my neighborhood.
Good health starts with what you put in your body. There are no yellow arrows or markers telling us this is the correct path to excellent health. We have to use a different system to identify the path to our destination. Many times it begins with awareness and education of those things important to us. After that, it is execution and maintenance.