A couple of days ago the World Health Organization told us, “There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.” This response was to a suggestion that ‘immunity passports’ be given to those who have recovered from coronavirus.
Viruses mutate. They change their internal structure. Viruses and mutations go together like gin and tonic, rum and coke, or bacon and eggs. It is natural for them to change. Researchers from China claim that this coronavirus has mutated into more than 30 different strains in a recent article published there.
Sometimes the mutations are stronger than the original, and sometimes they are weaker. The average viral mutations seem to be about every ten days. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has a mutation rate of fewer than 25 mutations a year. Most seasonal influenza viruses mutate around 50 times a year. This is the reason why it is so hard to develop an effective vaccine against seasonal influenza.
How long will it take before a vaccine is ineffective against a virus? Hard to say. Usually a few years. The slower the mutation rate, the more effective a vaccine can be. The H1N1 swine flu was a slow mutation virus.
Vaccines are developed after mutations occur. Likewise, some testing regimens are developed after mutations occur. Antibody testing is relatively quick, but reliability needs to be improved. False negatives and false positives can have unintended consequences of spreading the virus again. Confusion can also be a problem if the test is for coronavirus and another virus is detected instead of coronavirus.
Can a person who recovered from coronavirus become infected with a new variant of the same coronavirus? Possibly. It depends on several factors. No one can say definitively yes or no!
Our immune systems protect us from a myriad of bugs – viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Every infection that we have had leaves minute markers of that disease. Our immune system responds and forms antibodies to fight that specific disease. This is how vaccines work. A strand of a virus (or other pathogens) is introduced into the body. The body responds. Antibodies are formed. We are now ready for the next time that pathogen enters our bodies.
People who have had coronavirus, with or without symptoms, have formed antibodies to fight that virus. The fact that 99% of people under 50 years of age recover quickly is a testament to the fact that our immune systems are responding properly.
How many mutations or variants of coronavirus must occur before our immune system will not recognize it as a hazard to our health? No one knows! A new variant of coronavirus might result in little to no symptoms as we contract the coronavirus a second (or third) time. Mutations do not guarantee a more deadly or lethal result.
Vaccines can help a lot of people. However, vaccines cannot guarantee you total immunity from that disease. Some people will have no reactions. Others will have serious, maybe life-threatening reactions. A few will die from the vaccine.
Herd immunity happens when a population center has experienced the virus and responded to it and its many mutations. The newest variant of the virus cannot get a foothold in that population group to spread any further.
Our first line of defense is our immune system. Approximately 80% of our gut is our immune system. It is critical to eat healthy, exercise, sleep well, reduce stress as well as the normal protective measures we do daily (washing hands, masks, gloves, isolation, social distancing, etc.).
I do these things plus a 72-hour-fast monthly to reset and enhance my immune system. It is something I have been doing for nearly two years. An extended fast puts stress on the body. As it begins to enter starvation signals are sent to remove nonfunctioning cells and damaged DNA. New white-blood cells are generated to provide a fast-response option for the immune system.
Fasting is not for everyone, especially those with certain pre-existing health conditions. Nutrient balance is crucial for keeping your immune system functioning. Vitamin, mineral, or other nutrient deficiencies create problems that interfere with the immune system’s ability to perform its function.
Live Longer & Enjoy Life! – Red O’Laughlin – https://RedOLaughlin.com