I had a conversation with an in-law not long ago. I was surprised when I heard that her doctor did not believe in the effectiveness of higher doses of vitamin D. There have been studies sayings that high doses improve health and others saying they did not add a thing.
The Magic
https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2021/7/vitamin-d-magnesium-connection. Vitamin D had gotten mixed reviews over the years when clinical studies were performed to assess the value of a specific vitamin. I have read articles on vitamin K, vitamin E, and others. Sometimes, it is the low dosage, or the vitamin selected is synthetic, and other reasons.
Vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium must be in the body at sufficient levels to be effective. For example, for many years we have known that both vitamin D and vitamin K protect the heart. However, when not fully integrated, calcium can build up in the heart valves and arteries.
Vitamin D increases the cellular biochemical process of a protein (matrix GLA) that inhibits vascular calcification. That protein needs vitamin K to activate the calcium-blocking mode to prevent calcium from adhering to the inside walls of arteries.
When vitamin D or vitamin K is deficient, the door is open for heart valves and arteries to begin a slow calcium deposition (plaque). As a result, the mortality rate of those with low vitamin D levels and vitamin K is increased by over 50%.
Vitamin D from supplements or sunshine needs magnesium for activation. The pill or the metabolism of the sun on the surface of the skin are precursors to the actual vitamin D that will protect you. Those precursors are converted in the liver to 25-Hydroxyvitamin D when magnesium levels are sufficient. In addition, magnesium stimulates the production of vitamin D-converting enzymes. Without that activation, very little of the vitamin D is active.
The 25-Hydroxyvitamin D leaves the liver and is converted in the kidneys to 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D, the active form of vitamin D, again, only when magnesium is present. However, that is not the end of the story. The active vitamin D needs a vitamin D-binding protein to move throughout the body in the bloodstream. Magnesium activates the vitamin D-binding protein.
Blood tests typically measure 25-hydroxyvitamin D – the inactive precursor to 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D. This is done because the active hormone of vitamin D has a shorter half-life. Therefore, medical professionals assume that you have adequate magnesium levels to convert the inactive 25-Hydroxyvitamin D to the active form the body needs – 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D.
What real value is a test or clinical study that evaluates one specific vitamin and leaves out the essential cofactors to make that vitamin work?
Just because we may take this vitamin or mineral and think that we supplement when our diets are not nutritionally balanced, the result may not be what you think. Calcium is sold as calcium carbonate most of the time. It is a complex molecule for the body to absorb – and you need magnesium to make it more bioavailable in the body.
Vitamin E is eight different molecules. In pill form, most of the time, you get a synthetic version of only one of the eight other components of vitamin E. Vitamin B12 is a cobalamin. It cannot survive stomach acid, yet, many pills have vitamin B12 as cyanocobalamin, not the methylcobalamin that dissolves under your tongue to bypass the stomach.
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