I just finished a three-day conference to improve my business. I learned a lot. Actually, I learned (and able to put into action) more things than I thought I would. It exceeded my expectations.
How often do we take time out to learn more about our health? Not often. Certainly not three days dedicated to the various aspects of our health and wellness. We might read an article here and there. We might even listen to a webinar on a specific topic. Few of us actually read a book on it.
Why? I don’t know the answer. I’m sure there are hundreds of different answers. Each one of us is different. We have different needs at various times in our lives – and, those needs can change in a heartbeat. During the conference, two of the people attending had to leave due to deaths in their families. One was a ten-year-old boy.
My wife and I have been working on our immune systems for a long time. She is recovering from breast cancer surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. We knew we would be walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain during August and September of this year (500 miles walking). We saw many people with respiratory infections and other maladies related to their less than optimal immune systems. Not to mention the number of people with muscle, joint and related problems (lost toenails, blisters, etc.). We didn’t have a single sniffle. We survived six weeks in Spain with nothing other than an overnight sore muscle.
Did we learn how to enhance our immune systems? We did everything we knew of at the time to build powerful immune systems. I research that topic several times a year to learn what is new in that area. Our immune system is the key to our health. Keep your immune system in tip-top shape and you can ward off almost anything that is thrown at you.
There are many ways to learn – books, videos, webinars, blogs, etc. The New Year is almost upon us. Take the time now to establish a habit to spend some time (even an hour a week) to improve your health for the rest of your life.