Our medical industry treats symptoms, not causes of diseases. Since our doctors can’t recommend that we do certain things (there are legal reasons why they can’t), why not do some of the simple things that can make a big difference in our lives?
There are several causes of Alzheimer’s disease. Allow me to address two today. One of the easiest to treat is inflammation in the brain. In Dr. Perlmutter’s book, Grain Brain, we learn that gluten affects the brain more than it affects the gut. He has had a very significant success rate with treating ADD, ADHD, depression and anxiety by having his patients remove gluten from their diets for 30 days. True, these brain disease are not Alzheimer’s, but preventing or eliminating causes of brain inflammation helps our brains.
Our bodies don’t need wheat as a nutrient. We certainly don’t need the gluten. However, the food industry uses gluten because of the way it makes our food to taste better. Wheat has been genetically modified for many years (thousands of modifications) and not one of these modifications has been tested to determine the effects on human health. Think there might be a problem?
Soups, French fries, ketchup, salad dressings, mayonnaise, processed cheese, non-dairy creamer, hot dogs, ice cream, vodka, wine coolers, beer, shampoo, lipstick, medications, vitamins, and many more products have gluten. Eliminate gluten and you might save your gut and your brain.
Scientists a few years ago found that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea affected the beta amyloid protein’s molecular structure in Alzheimer’s disease in rats. The ECGC forced the protein’s molecular structure to shift slightly. Normally the beta amyloid protein sits perfectly atop the neuron in your brain. It literally starves it to death. This slight shift in molecular structure opens a space and the tight fit of the protein to the neuron no longer occurs.
The EGCG corrected and prevented the buildup of by amyloid plaques in rat brains. Are the neurons in rat brains the same as ours? No, but the beta amyloid protein is. A shift in structure worked to ‘unattach’ the protein from the neuron. Incidentally, the scientists also discovered that in the presence of EGCG, dead neurons came back to life. It was unclear if the dead neuron came alive again or was replaced by a new neuron at the same location.
Removing gluten from your diet and adding green tea is not something your doctor will prescribe. From a preventive perspective, it might be worth considering.
I have heard that about gluten. Thanks for sharing. What do you think about certain soda pops causing the disease. Americans consumer a lot of soda pops. Do you think there is a correlation?
Lots of research on high fructose corn syrup and phosphoric acid being the cause of inflammation and disease. Is there a correlation with Alzheimer’s, I don’t know. I know that an inflamed brain is not what you want. If the causes of Alzheimer’s are accelerated by inflammation, then there could be a connection, but not a cause.