Life Extension magazine (April 2016) says that diet can slash Alzheimer’s risk by 35% when followed consistently. This was based on two human trials in 2014 and 2015.
A study was done by the UCLA/Buck Institute. Nine out of ten subjects experienced remarkable regression of memory loss due to Alzheimer’s disease. This is far greater than any prescription drug now in existence. However, as simple as the dietary change were, there was difficulty staying with the program.
There is an expected loss of memory as we age, but Alzheimer’s disease should not be the expectation. There are three other diet programs that have been studied in relation to Alzheimer’s disease with statistically significant results (that means they actually work) at reducing risk or reversing memory loss.
The diet protocols are the Mediterranean Diet, the DASH Diet, and the MIND Diet. The MIND Diet demonstrated a 52% reduction in the rate of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This was based on the comparisons of adherence to the dietary protocols within the study group. The higher the compliance to the dietary protocol, the lower the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.
The UCLA/Buck Institute recommended the following to minimize risk or to reverse existing memory loss. Eliminate all simple carbohydrates and processed foods from your daily eating. Eat more berries and fresh organic vegetables. Protein should come from non-farmed fish, free-range poultry and meats without added antibiotics, hormones, and other fillers/coloring.
Reduce stress at least twice daily. Ensure you obtain at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep nightly. Intermittently fast for at least twelve hours daily. As I write this blog I have been on an intermittent fast (water, unsweetened iced tea and lime/lemon water) for 37 hours. Exercise five days a week for at least 30 minutes. And, interestingly enough, ensure that your oral hygiene is optimal (flossing and electric toothbrushes).
There were a couple of other strategies recommended. However, over time, the test subjects wavered and they were unable to stay on this particular protocol.
If you have Alzheimer’s in your family tree, couldn’t you stick with the few recommendations contained herein?