I had a discussion today with a guy who is graduating shortly with a degree in Psychology. He will be making a presentation shortly on ADD and ADHD. He was focused on the conventional manifestation of this disease being caused by the social environment. I asked if there could be multiple causes and the social environment might be only one.
We discussed things for about fifteen minutes and never resolved anything definitively. My take is the ADD (and ADHD) are more caused by nutrition than the social environment. It is difficult to treat the cause of any disease effectively, especially when drugs are being administered. What if some of the ADD symptoms are related to a vitamin or mineral deficiency?
Let me examine a symptom – inattentiveness. Lack of focus, boredom, easily distracted, forgetfulness and inattentiveness are symptoms associated with ADD. Are there nutritional circumstances that could lead to this set of symptoms? Food intolerance (including allergy and sensitivity) can result in these symptoms. Mineral deficiencies – zinc, selenium and magnesium – also show similar results. Vitamin deficiencies – B6 and B12 – likewise. Additionally, fatty acid and amino acid deficiencies show similar symptoms.
In order to rule out the nutritional side of the equation to determine a cause, one would have to have a fully balanced nutritional regimen before evaluating ADD. I don’t believe this is part of most medical approaches. If nutritional balance were achieved, what about the toxins in our foods and personal care products (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.). Toxins affect the body in many ways – several with similar symptoms to ADD.
There are many things to consider before jumping on the primary directive of the medical community that ADD is caused by a lack of sufficient specific brain chemicals (neurotransmitters). That cause is thought to be genetic. But, is it?