Many of us experience the side effects of vaccines. The vaccine challenges our immune system to identify molecular structures that resemble the viral components that enter our bodies.
Sometimes a live virus is used, however, it is attenuated or weakened. Other times, a dead or inactive version of the virus or germ is used. As such, side effects like the original virus can be expected.
COVID-19 Vaccine
https://abc11.com/covid-19-vaccine-side-effects-for-update/8225935/ The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is deciding to recommend using COVID-19 vaccines that are approved by the US FDA. Clinical trials track side effects along with efficacy and safety.
Coronavirus side effects are like several seasonal influenza symptoms. These immune responses might be as simple as a sore arm, to fatigue, body aches, and fever. Clinical trial participants reported side effects bad enough to stay home from work for a day or so.
When side effects from the first of two doses are bad enough there is concern that some people will not get the second and final dose. Additionally, the experiences they have will be told to others and that may be enough to deter others from getting the vaccine.
First-Hand Experience
https://abc7news.com/side-effects-of-covid-19-vaccine-coronavirus-moderna-pfizer/8234900/ A woman recently answered questions about her experience with the Moderna vaccine. During the clinical trials, she had two doses one month apart.
She reported minor arm discomfort. Another person in this clinical trial had influenza-like symptoms. The trial was a double-blind study, so it is unsure whether either person had the vaccine or a placebo. Moderna reports that vaccinated subjects had fatigue, chills, headaches, myalgia, and arm soreness where the inoculation was given.
https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/risk-comms-updates/update-36-long-term-symptoms.pdf?sfvrsn=5d3789a6_2#:~:text=%E2%80%A2%20Most%20people%20with%20COVID,have%20lasting%20health%20effects. Several sources report anything from a few five to fifty percent of people might feel some mild side effect.
With no side effects, people willingly return for the second dose. However, severe side effects may dampen the willingness to return for a second inoculation. Vaccine acceptance was highest among Asian-Americans and lowest among African Americans.
https://abc7news.com/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-priority/7812765/ Most sources report that the priority should be healthcare personnel, first responders, high-risk adults, and then adults over 65 years of age. A particular concern in the healthcare industry is nursing.
Some nurse surveys report that many nurses do agree with the safety of the vaccine, there is a concern for unanswered questions. As such, about one-third of nurses would voluntarily get vaccinated.
Long-term care facility residents represent one percent of the US. Six percent of COVID-19 cases are long-term facility residents and staff; however, they represent almost forty percent of the deaths in the US. Frail long-term care residents with pre-existing conditions might harm faith in the vaccine program as it is available to the public.
The development time shortened for vaccine development is remarkable. It also worries a large segment of Americans. Was there enough time to test the vaccine to know the long-term impact of safety? Were people with pre-existing conditions tested to know the expected impact on this group?
There are many questions that have not been answered and this is part of the release planning by the CDC ACIP. An ideal release would engender trust and confidence in the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. We know the reported successes of vaccine companies, but what happens during the first 90 days determines how many people voluntarily opt to get the vaccine.
The tradeoff for many will be that not getting the vaccine means they have a 99% chance of surviving the virus. Are these odds good enough to deter many from getting vaccinated?
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