Glaucoma develops for many reasons. Genetics, age, lifestyle are contributors. Direct links between glaucoma and diabetes, tooth loss and obstructive sleep apnea have been identified.
The fluid in the eye is called the aqueous humor. Its function is to provide nutrition and remove debris from the eye. Over time, clogs in the drainage canals occur and pressure increases inside the eye.
You usually cannot feel this increase in pressure. Many times, you have it and never know it. You might start to notice that things you could see in your periphery are no longer as sharp and clear. Each person is different and the level of pressure inside the eye might be greater for one than another and there is no impairment. However, left untreated the risk of glaucoma increases.
Recent studies on humans showed that two options significantly improved eye health and reduced the pressure inside the eye. One is French maritime pine bark extract and the other is bilberry extract. Non-glaucoma studies showed that these two extracts worked well to counter retinopathy.
French maritime pine bark extract and bilberry extract were used in scientific studies to determine their effectiveness in treating glaucoma. The first study included 38 volunteers with increased eye pressure but no symptoms of glaucoma. After six months, the group taking the extract formula showed a 13% reduction in eye pressure compared to the control group not taking any supplements.
A second study of 79 volunteers with increased eye pressure and no glaucoma symptoms showed better results. The test was designed to test the extracts compared to the standard prescription medicine (latanoprost – Xalatan). Additionally, a group used both the extracts and prescription medicine.
Both groups had exceptional results. The combined extract and drug regimen showed a 40% reduction in eye pressure in 24 weeks. Glaucoma is a serious disease. It affects over two and a half million people in the United States.
Not many of us go to an eye doctor on a regular basis. It should be part of our normal health plan. Armed with the information above, you can consult with your eye doctor if you beginning to lose your peripheral vision.
Resource: LifeExtension Magazine – September 2017 (lef.org)