Have you ever wondered why seasonal influenza has a season? Dr. R Edward Hope-Simpson figured out that influenza always occurred in the month following the winter solstice (December 21, 2020).
Dr. Hope-Simpson and Influenza
We are one month from the winter solstice. COVID-19 is hogging the headlines. The CDC reported that more seasonal influenza vaccinations were given by the end of 2020 (nearly 190 million) compared to 2019 (just under 175 million). Dr. Hope-Simpson’s theory many decades ago was that a ‘seasonal stimulus’ must be responsible. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/flu-numbers-year-due-higher-vaccination-rates-amid/story?id=74783195#:~:text=The%20Centers%20for%20Disease%20Control,in%20the%202019%2D2020%20season.
Dr. Hope-Simpson died in 2003 after having written many papers on this topic. It was years after Dr. Hope-Simpson’s death before scientists believed it to be true. The availability of sunshine in the winter months reduces vitamin D production in our bodies. The same happens in the tropics during the rainy season.
Sunshine provides protection through vitamin D. The immune system functions better with higher vitamin D. The 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test is inexpensive and is immensely valuable to determine how effective your immune system might be.
Endocrine Society and Vitamin D
https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2020/joint-guidance-on-vitamin-d This link is several months old and tries to address the need for vitamin D and the pandemic. I cannot understand why the medical community is so unaware of how their recommendations for the minimum daily requirement for vitamin D does not translate to the healthy levels our bodies need.
The Endocrine Society tells us that most people do not have adequate vitamin D levels for optimal body function. Yet, in the next sentence, society warns that too much vitamin D might be a problem. They do, however, recommend that your doctor test you for vitamin D.
Vitamin D Daily Minimum Requirements
https://www.medicinenet.com/vitamin_d_deficiency/article.htm The old standard for vitamin D minimum daily requirements was 20 ng/mL. Over the last decade, this minimum has been raised to 30 ng/mL. Our bodies need at least 50 ng/mL to function. Two out of three Americans are deficient in this vitamin.
Yes, there is some protection at 30 ng/mL. However, below that level, there can be problems, especially during an epidemic or pandemic. We want our bodies, our immune systems, protecting us at 100% peak efficiency.
A small study of just over 200 patients with COVID-19 showed impressive results regarding vitamin D levels. Below 20ng/mL, most of the patients had acute symptoms.
The patients with vitamin D levels between 20 ng/mL and 30 ng/ml also had high percentages of mild to severe but not critical symptoms. Nearly all the patients with vitamin D levels above 30 ng/mL showed mild symptoms.
Is vitamin D potent enough to protect you from getting coronavirus? Probably not. Is the protection afforded by adequate to healthy levels of vitamin D worth having? Absolutely!
Vitamin D
Our bodies function better with vitamin D levels above 50 ng/mL. Vitamin D protects many areas other than influenza and upper respiratory infections. The link above provides data on various diseases and vitamin D’s effectiveness to thwart the development of different conditions.
I get my vitamin D levels checked every year at my annual physical. When I became aware of how much vitamin D helped my body, I added this test to my yearly blood work. I thought I had adequate levels of vitamin D for a myriad of reasons. It was not until I had the test results that I realized I was in the lower or unprotected society.
I increased my vitamin D supplementation and was amazed again the next year that my vitamin D levels increased but had not passed the threshold of adequacy. I raised my daily dosage and managed to squeak by slightly over the minimum of 50 ng/mL.
I continued to study vitamin D with emphasis on how much is too much. Yes, a few people can overdo anything, and it can happen with any supplementation. However, that percentage is tiny.
I keep my body between 70 ng/mL and 100 ng/mL most of the time. I have increased it slightly over 100 ng/mL with the pandemic for extra added protection for viral infections. If you have never had your body tested for vitamin D levels, I suggest that you talk to your doctor about adding that test to your next physical. It could be a game-changer in your health!
Life Longer & Enjoy Life! – Red O’Laughlin – RedOLaughlin.com
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