If you treat a symptom, you will always treat a symptom. You must treat the cause of a problem to correct it. The last of the baby boomers will be in their mid-60s in another ten years. Blindness is expected to double in another thirty years. What can we do about it?
Approximately one million Americans are legally blind. They have 20/200 vision or worse. 20/200 vision means that a healthy eye can see something at 200 feet that a nearly blind person can see at 20 feet. Over three million people have visual impairments that can be corrected. Another eight million people are on the border of not being able to have corrective options.
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness. High intraocular pressure causes glaucoma. Damage to the optic nerve occurs when left untreated. Once this damage occurs, treatments are not effective to reverse blindness.
Eye health depends on the eye fluid, aqueous humor, to provide nutrition and transport metabolic debris according to the September 2017 edition of Life Extension magazine. Circulation and drainage of the aqueous humor is required for excellent eye health. Blindness symptoms begin to occur when the aqueous humor channels become blocked and intraocular pressure rises.
Two extracts have proven track records to prevent rising intraocular pressure. Human studies have shown that bilberry and French maritime pine bark extracts working together reduce intraocular pressure.
French maritime pine bark extract is additionally effective in reducing inflammation and related free radical damage. Clinical studies comparing each extract against latanoprost (Xalatan) eye drops were remarkable.
Results of those patients taking only French pine bark-bilberry extract showed a 24% reduction in intraocular pressure compared to the prescription medicine, Xalatan. When using both Xalatan and the two plant-based extracts, patients saw a 40% reduction in intraocular pressure.
Side effects are typically not seen with plant-based options compared to prescription drugs. Always consult your physician before trying any new treatment, non-prescription or not, especially when you are under a doctor’s care.