Einstein is given credit for his definition of insanity!

Einstein is credited with saying insanity is doing the same repeatedly and expecting different results. Before COVID-19 vaccines, maybe a wise move was to isolate those spreading the disease. Governments around the world locked down everyone to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

For almost two years, the unvaccinated have been getting better and better about avoiding infection from the COVID-19 virus. Whatever they are doing, it is working very well. However, breakthrough infections contribute to the spread of coronavirus that many want to admit.

Lockdown – Again!

https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/virus-outbreak-germany/2021/12/02/id/1047121/. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced today that Germany is implementing measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by locking down the country to unvaccinated citizens. Why? Because of the rise in new cases of COVID-19. Daily records are being set far greater than anything previously seen.

I remember the headlines in the United States many months ago. Record numbers of new cases of coronavirus appeared in many states. Yet, the death count remained static. The same thing is happening in Germany. Many people are becoming infected, and some are dying, but not at the rate one would expect.

German COVID-19 Statistics

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/germany/. In late December 2020, the height of new cases toppled just over 25,000/day. A few months later, the new case rate rocketed from around 7,500/day to just over 20,000/day. This week, new cases are exceeding 75,000/day. So the first question I ask when I see headlines without COVID-19 death statistics is, ‘how many people are dying from coronavirus?’

In January 2021, there were several days with over 1,000 deaths attributable to COVID-19. The seven-day average approached 900/day. Death rates went down below 200/day and rose slightly to over 220/day during the last surge. This week, the COVID-19 daily deaths have exceeded 400/day on a couple of days. The seven-day average is approaching 300/day.

Yes, the death rate from COVID-19 usually lags new cases by ten to twelve days. Toward the end of the first week of November, the new daily cases exceeded 35,000. Two weeks later, the death rate is under 200/day. The demographics of who is succumbing to the virus are not reported. We do not know if they include the elderly with compromised immune systems, young adults, or those fully vaccinated.


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/11/world/europe/germany-covid-unvaccinated.html. Hospitals report increases of unvaccinated patients with COVID-19 in the range of nine out of ten. One-third of Germany’s population is fully vaccinated. Germany has also opened their hospitals to other countries because their pandemic urgent care cannot support the influx of new cases. Most of those countries have double the vaccination rate of Germany.

https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/dutch-covid-19-patients-transferred-germany-hospitals-struggle-2021-11-23/ This link referenced Dutch COVID-19 patients being transferred to German hospitals last week.


Germany has a lower vaccination rate than its neighbors. What prompted the latest surge in coronavirus? Who knows? I am confident it is a combination of bullet-proof mentality that fully vaccinated feel super-protected and resume normal activities resulting in infections other fully vaccinated people. It is happening around the world.

More than 80% of the fully vaccinated are asymptomatic and never know they are infected or passing the virus on to others. As a result, the unvaccinated are caught up in a new petri dish of viral particles leading to increased numbers of contagious people.

It is a numbers game. Infect a few, and they will infect a few more. Before you know it, you have another surge to deal with before you can take any effective measures. Why blame the unvaccinated for the increase in new cases? Germany was a bit behind the United States in getting vaccinated.

I reported earlier in this article that Germany had a one-third fully vaccinated rate for COVID-19. That was pulled from the reference link in that paragraph. However, it appears the official rate for Germany for being fully vaccinated is over 68%.

There is a double whammy about to hit Germany. Half the population was fully vaccinated in July 2021. In December 2021, that entire group of people – nearly half of the German people will become superconductors of coronavirus because the mRNA vaccines – https://www.statista.com/statistics/1199666/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccinations-manufacturer-germany/ – will degrade to a point where protection from infection becomes minimal.

The Omicron variant is spreading by leaps and bounds around the world. Even though it is more infectious, it is not as virulent, and more people become
sick but do not die from the viral variant. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/south-africa/

Lockdowns might have been effective nearly two years ago. Everyone was susceptible and hospitals were being overrun with new COVID-19 patients. Locking the unvaccinated out of society will allow the asymptomatic fully vaccinated to begin an earnest program of contagious propagation without any warning. I may be wrong. I hope I am.

Live Longer & Enjoy Life! – Red O’Laughlin – RedOLaughlin.com


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