
I am not a Doctor, But…

I am a researcher, not a doctor. I don’t analyze peoples’ health problem and give my analysis and prescription (actions to take) to cure their problems. I research what happens in the human body at the cellular level and look for cause and effect relationships. One must attack the cause

The Sun Determines the Intensity of Some Diseases

Multiple sclerosis is considered by many scientists to be an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are those diseases in which our bodies attack our own cells. Some examples are psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Our immune system attacks cells that it does not recognize – foreign invaders from outside out

AGEs and Aging – It’s Not What You Think

Nutrition is critical for health. I advocate balanced nutrition with minimal caloric intake combined with intermittent fasting. It gives you the best of most aspects of health. Keeping your body in an alkaline state enhances it even more. Anytime we eat anything with sugar (carbohydrates) our bodies produce advanced glycation

Could I Have Been Wrong?

A new study shows a different protein might be responsible for autoimmune disease. Gluten has been blamed for causing autoimmune disease be causing the protein, zonulin, in your gut to explode in growth and open large holes in your gut lining. Zonulin does open holes for nutrients to pass through

It’s Too Hard

I blogged yesterday about letting things (stresses) go – not holding on to a grudge, hatred, bitterness or some other type of resentment that was caused by another person or event. I will tell you from a first-hand perspective that it is difficult to do. However, it is possible. Several

How Long Do You Hang On

My recent hike of the Camino de Santiago was my “Let It Go” tour. I started with this thought in mind before I arrived. I knew there would be a lot of unknowns facing us for the next four or five weeks. It was not worth hanging on to those

What Options Do You Have to Eat Healthy Every Day?

I blogged yesterday about a typical fast food meal and the potential health risks associated with it. Are there other options? Certainly! Am an advocate for restricted calories and balanced nutrition. A restricted calorie lifestyle has been shown to lengthen your life and lower risks of age-related disease. A restricted

Are You What You Eat?

I joined a friend recently at McDonalds for a one-on-one after lunch meeting. We’ve been friends for a while, but never had a chance to get to know each other. I try my best to adhere to certain types of foods to maintain nutritional balance. As a result, I usually

Concierge Medicine – Is It For You?

  Last month I attended a luncheon meeting with a concierge doctor. It was an introductory event to meet him and his organization/services. The term, concierge, refers to a hotel employee whose job is to assist guests with their special requests. Concierge medicine is similar, but not exactly the same.

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