The Gap is Narrowing and Not Knowing May Create Chaos in Your Life
More fully vaccinated people end up in hospitals and die from the pandemic virus every month. Yet, it seems that nothing is reported about it – at least in the United States. For example, I recently wrote about the high percentage (around 90%) of people dying from COVID-19 in Scotland
Worried About Winter This Year – Maybe You Should Be
The first concern we should have is seasonal influenza. Last year, the pandemic virus stifled the invasion of influenza viruses, and there was nearly no seasonal influenza last year. However, this year, as of Christmas week, seasonal flu is picking up where it left off a couple of years ago.
How Much is It Worth to You?
I flew to Rota, Spain, to perform my two weeks of active duty with the Navy Reserves during the summer of 1975. I was in VP-91which was based out of Moffatt Field, CA. Our schedule cycle was a Duty, Ready Alert, Training, and Off (my recollection from nearly 50 years
How Permanent is Permanent When Living in a Pandemic World?
We know that death and taxes are permanent parts of our lives. Change appears inevitable everywhere else. What seemed like permanent today is not tomorrow. For example, we were led to believe that COVID-19 vaccines were permanent – 95+% effective in protecting everyone from becoming infected with the pandemic virus.
Is the Best Saved for Last, or Is It Another Temporarily Hope?
We were promised a vaccine that would protect us from infection, and if infected, it would ensure we would not have severe symptoms, and the chance of death was significantly reduced. Unfortunately, however, that is not reality. Our real-world today is one of the temporary vaccines with monthly booster shots.
Numbers Are Now Available for Accurate Comparisons of Two Evils
Most of us remember how bad the Delta variant of COVID-19 was just a few months ago. I was one of the fortunate ones to survive Delta with just a cough and a bit of fatigue. Many were not. However, the latest headlines are focused on daily records of new
Is the Third Shot Like a Third Strike?
It is common knowledge that the COVID-19 vaccine shots are temporary – about six months and their protection against infection drops like a rock. So is a booster shot, a third COVID-19 vaccine shot, going to give you absolute protection? Third Shot . A third vaccine shot offers some protection,
How Do We Know if Our Loved Ones Have Alzheimer’s and What Options Do We Have?
Last night, I was on my regular monthly Zoom meeting with some squadron mates from VP-94. VP-94 was a Patrol Squadron stationed in Belle Chase, LA, until decommissioned in 2006 ( The topics vary from all corners of the world at some of these meetings. One topic that surfaced last
A New Role Around the Corner for a Miracle Drug That Has Helped Millions?
Ivermectin has helped millions of humans since its discovery in 1975. Initially, the drug was developed from golf course soil samples. The research at the Kitsato Institute in Japan showed great promise in its antiparasitic effects. The first name given to this drug was Avermectin. Further research improved the drug’s