Medical experts need scientific proof a medical solution works.

Recent news about successful hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) treatments has been treated with disgust, disdain, and disbelief. Why? The stated reason is that there is no science to back up those claims. 350 out of 350 HCQ treatments without a recorded death from COVID-19 is not science.

However, on a similar front, Remdesivir (RDV) has been scientifically tested with positive results according to a press release recently from Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator.

The randomized controlled trials were conducted on “X” patients over “X” number of days with “X” reduction in deaths related to COVID-19. This is it in a nutshell. Randomized tests compare patient responses to the drug being tested and a placebo.

With a major news story release about Remdesivir following in the wake of the non-news about HCQ, I would expect to find lots and lots of scientific data to support the claim that RDV is effective in treating COVID-19.

The randomized, controlled studies for HCQ did not improve COVID-19 patients with mild, moderate, or severe symptoms of COVID-19. Studies are done in many ways. Peer-reviewed studies allow scientists and medical professionals to determine if the results are genuine.

The Henry Ford Health System hydroxychloroquine studies from March 10 to May 2 performed on 2,541 hospitalized COVID-19 patients was published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. The results of these studies have been analyzed and peer-reviewed.

Is there a disconnect at the Federal level on testing results? I am seeing it often with results being reported in Texas. I find results published by the county are not being fed into the roll-up report at the state level. Last week, total COVID-19 deaths reported in Harris County (Houston, Texas) were 575.

Seven days later, the total had jumped to 685 COVID-19 related deaths. However, a state COVID-19 tracking system had over 1,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 for Harris County. In one week, the total number of COVID-19 deaths had doubled since records were being kept? No, according to the state report, 675 COVID-19 related deaths were reported on July 27th. It did not happen. I do not know where 675 deaths occurred in one day in Harris County.

The Henry Ford COVID-19 study showed a 50% reduction in mortality rates. The RDV studies through Gilead Sciences. They have been testing RDV for months.

The placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized studies of RDV treating 1,063 COVID-19 patients showed a 31% reduction in time (from 15 days to 11 days) spent in the hospital for those using RDV compared to those not using the drug. The study was not followed according to plan and was ‘unblinded’ when data showed shortened hospital times.

These studies had not been peer-reviewed when they were forwarded to the White House at the end of April. Moreover, there was no improvement in overall COVID-19 mortality with RDV. However, serious adverse events were reported in a little over 20% of the patients treated with RDV.

RDV studies are being done in other countries. Chinese studies being done at the same time as Gilead Systems showed no difference in hospital time for those being treated with and without RDV. After one month of the study, RDV patients died at a 13.9% rate compared to placebo-controlled patients who died at a 12.8% rate.

Dr. Fauci reported that the Gilead Systems RDV “data showed a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery. It is an important proof of concept because RDV is a drug that can block the virus.” (summarized by author)

At the end of June, Gilead Systems announced that the price for a five-day COVID-19 treatment will be $2,340. The cost of HCQ is $37 for 100 tablets. Yesterday, the state of Ohio banned the sale and use of HCQ to treat COVID-19 patients.

Live Longer & Enjoy Life! – Red O’Laughlin –


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