The Aging Immune System – Three Options!

The immune system naturally degrades over time.
jackmac34 / Pixabay – The immune system naturally degrades over time, however, you have choices.

Recent research into immune system senescence (deterioration with age) has revealed that there are some controllable aspects of a failing immune system as we age. The immune system starts to lose control over the:

● Bone marrow production of white blood cells
● Resupply and potency of circulating immune cells
● Production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines

Cytokines affect the behavior of other cells. Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory are generally held in a balance such that the pro-inflammatory cytokines are not excessive. Immune senescence can lead to many age-related diseases. There are some nutrient options that specifically target the three items above.

Pu-ehr tea combats immune senescence.
Humusak / Pixabay – Pu-ehr tea combats immune senescence.

Pu-erh tea is the fermented, ripened leaf of the Camellia sinensis. It assists in reversing various causes of immune senescence. It increases the bone marrow production of immune system cells, helps the resupply and potency of circulating white blood cells and reduces the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 (Interleukin 6), TNFa (tumor necrosis factor alpha) and CRP (C-reactive protein). It also increases the anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-10 (Interleukin 10).

Reishi mushrooms strengthen your immune system.
Tams / Pixabay – Reishi mushrooms strengthen your immune system.

Reishi mushrooms increase the production of white blood cells and reduce the cytokines, IL-6, and IL-10. It also increases the production of B cells. They are lymphocytes responsible for producing antibodies. Reishi mushrooms have been effective in treating other diseases – Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster, postherpetic neuralgia, flu viruses, Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B virus, and human immunodeficiency virus.

Cistance deserticol is a great supplement for immune system improvement
danielsudman / Pixabay – Cistance deserticol is a great supplement for immune system improvement.

Cistance deserticola is a desert plant. It reduces intestinal inflammation, increases circulating white blood cells and NK cells (natural killer cells). It also increases naїve T cells. T cells provide the memory to the immune system of what they have responded to in the past. Naїve T cells respond to newly encountered pathogens that the immune system has not seen before. Cistance lowers IL-6 levels. In animal studies, cinstance increased the lifespan by 15 percent.

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