Navy Seal David Goggins has a YouTube video called Embrace the Suck!!! 10 minutes is worth your time. We never shift from our comfort zones from year to year. Is 2020 going to look a lot like 2019, and 2018, and 2017? Why?
Our lifestyle is dictated by our mindset. We take the easy way out when faced with difficult choices. We manage our expectations. But, managing our expectations, especially when they are set very low, leads to mediocrity on a good day.
We need to exceed our expectations – daily! We don’t become tremendous and stop. We need to challenge ourselves daily to do something that we don’t want to do but must do to make ourselves better.
David Goggins is probably one of the only people to go through Navy Hell Week three times in one year. He completed it twice. He had a host of injuries and was sent back three times to Day 1, Week 1 of Navy Seal School. The best of the best wash out of Navy Seal School – 130+ hours of constant training with a couple of hours of sleep.
David Goggins realized that he had to figure out a way to conquer the obstacles of becoming a Navy Seal – not to take the easy way out and ‘ring the bell’ (quit). He kept asking himself, “How can I get through this?”
We place barriers in our minds. Sometimes, these barriers are real; and, sometimes they are just imaginary. However, our subconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagined. Things are too hard, too cold, too hot, or some other excuse. We accept those excuses at face value and look for the easy way out. It’s a lot like hitting the ‘snooze’ button every morning.
If you want success in 2020 (or any time), you must learn to do something every day that you don’t do that will improve you. Learn to Embrace the Suck!!!